


2022.01.25 - Added 25fps that was mysteriously absent from the previous version.

Originally written in 2007, Rob's Timecode Calculator performed simple calculations accurately, but had certain bugs that made it frame-inaccurate in certain situations. It now calculates dropframe and non-dropframe timecode much better, and so far, without bugs. And as an added bonus, there is now a tape that records all of your calculations until you clear the tape, or reload the page.

Thanks to David Heidelberger, and Andrew Duncan for their implementation of dropframe timecode conversion.

How to use: Enter in your timecode using your computer's keypad or by clicking the buttons above. All numbers entered are treated as timecode, except when multiplying or dividing. Timecode may be formatted as follows:

Your timecode will be corrected according to the framerate set above. So if you enter 0125+ and your framerate is set to 23.98, your timecode will be corrected to 00:00:02:01. When multiplying or dividing, the number entered following the operator will be treated as a number, not timecode. And besides, who needs to multiply timecode by timecode?

Questions, bug reports or feature requests, email me at rob dot womack at gmail.

If you feel like contributing to the upkeep of the site, or just want to say thanks with a little cheddar, you can Venmo me directly. Thanks!

New! Now accepting donations via Venmo.